Journal History

Andalas Journal of International Studies or known as AJIS is a journal published by the Andalas Institute of International Studies (ASSIST). It was initiated in 2012. It aims to provide alternatives in international studies, especially in the context of international studies, development, and relations.

The first issue was published in May 2012. Since then, it has changed several times in terms of journal management and policy for better publication and to be fitted with national and international journal standard.

May 2012, AJIS published its first volume. At the time, the print ISSN was also issued.

November 2013, the management was unable to publish the journal due to an internal issue.

January 2014, the management reorganized the management. As the results, AJIS published the articles regularly.

April 2014, the management registered AJIS e-ISSN to LIPI

May 2014, starting from Volume 3, May 2014, AJIS publish its online version.

From 2014, AJIS ensured the journal to publish on-time and fullfilled national and international journal standard.

January 2018, AJIS started using the Chicago System for its citation format.

July 2018, AJIS was accredited in The Ministry of Research, Technology, & Higher Education as one of national accredited journals in Indonesia based on decree no 21/E/KPT/2018.

April 2019, AJIS started to employ two reviewers in peer review process.

May 2019, AJIS was accredited Sinta 2 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, & Higher Education. It became one of national accredited journals in Indonesia based on decree no B/ 1410/E5.2.1/2019 

16 August 2019, AJIS receieved incentives from the Ministry of Research, Technology, & Higher Education. based on decree no B/2466/E5/E5.2.1/209.

5 September 2019, AJIS application for DOAJ has been accepted.

4 April 2020, AJIS restructured its editorial board.

1 May 2023, AJIS adopted Harvard format for its referencing system.

29 August 2024, AJIS submitted its re-accreditation application in SINTA.